Wednesday, January 6, 2010

# 34 - Insomnia is a funny thing

For some reason, when my insomnia kicks in I start thinking of the most random things.

Thought #1 - Some Random Ranting

Now, why do people have different odours when they perspire. Like, I remember a guy at high school that when he sweated he smelt a bit like lemons + Socks. One of my mates smells a bit like rotting parsley when thoroughly expired and another person I'm quite familiar with smells of wet dog.
Why do we all smell different, isn't all sweat made out of the same stuff?

Maybe its what goes into our bodies which makes the sweat smell differently.

I should experiment. Maybe if all I eat and drink is affiliated with chicken, I'll smell like chicken. And then i'll get all the chicks!
Har har har.

And I recently found out that people who originally come from spanish speaking backgrounds often get CH and SH mixed up.
So it's "Shicken" and "Choes".
"I went to the chop to get some choes but they had shicken so I asked them to shop off a piece".


I told you I think of random things.

Thought #2 - A little more structure

If you ever have the chance - check out Gordon! on youtube. Type in gordondip in youtube search and it's the little playdoh figures. I did all of the audio and the story and motion, my mate Andrew took the pictures and edited it.

Let me know what you think of Season 1! (it's only 4 episodes)

"Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts"

Hooroo All!

Music. Sport. Friends. Family. Life.