Monday, December 15, 2008

# 12 - The lack of talent.

Is it just me or do people find that there is a large lack of talent all around us lately?

Here are a few case examples:

Thought #1 - The Top 20 music charts

Good grief what a bunch of crap this list has become. Where did the days of talented musicians go? Nowadays, all a smart producer does is pick a random soap (hot girl) from the street, and this ensues:
"Can you sing?"
"Not really..."
"Doesn't matter, you're going to have a hit!"
*insert a repetetive 4 chord pattern, lets say, the ice-cream chord pattern, which involves I, V, vi, IV respectively.*
*insert OOhs, Aahs and a simple harmony to the melody line that was trained into the random soap*
*insert raunchy video clip*
#1 HIT!

Its complete bullshit.
I could write better songs with my anus.
A perfect example is Rhianna. Her songs aren't fantastic. Woop, good voice, but voice does NOT make music. Her song "please don't stop the music" I looked up on the net how to play it. This is what came up:
D x 4
F# x 4

Like, wtf? How is that talent? And its so damn repetitive.
Another example is that band... The Ting Tings. Soap singer, average to sub-par music, and the lyrics almost make me cry.
"That's not my name, that's not my name, my name isn't Steve, my name isn't Frederick, my name isn't Cecil, My name isn't Sakhdeep, my name isn't !Xobile, that's not my name"


The best one I can think of is the Pussy-on-a-stick Dolls, I mean, Pussydollssatonafatcat, i mean, Pussycat Drools. For crying out loud, only 1 of them can sing! And they're considered a band?? This is just completely poor. People who think this should really be given a few prozac, a toothpick, half a happy meal and put in a straight jacket and sent to the Moon. And they're trying to inspire a league of strong and powerful women not idolised as 'pieces of meat' yet they strut around on tv with skimpy outfits. Turn the volume down on one of their video clips and you have softcore porn. If you combine one of their video clips without audio with an audio clip of womens tennis, you have almost a full porno.

Yay in the pants.

Thought #2 - Australian idol.

This show is the pinnacle of the exploitation and exporting of crap. Its a poor excuse for a talent show, and not one person consistently sells excellent records. You don't see them getting nominated for any arias anytime soon do you?
The thing is, they could INVEST this money to PROMOTE upcoming and promising Australian bands like KARNIVOOL, but obviously they have no idea that Australian music is going down the toilet because of the waste of money and time from the piss-poor ametuerism that comes day in and day out of shows like this.
The thing that shits me the most out of this who show is that you could have the best voice in the entire world, but if you can't be marketed, you won't win. Period. They just look for the most marketable person, rather than the person with the most talent. I want to write into the show and ask for a few things
1) Get the people in the final 12 to compose their own song within, lets say, 1 day. 2 Days max. Reckon they could pull it off? I reckon the crowd would be pulling their ears off, that's about it.
2) Have a classically trained and qualified professional musician within the judging panel. Get rid of one (or more) of those know-nothing-about-music fags out of the panel and replace them with Percival, the professionally trained classical musician from the Conservatorium of music or some shit, who can tell the people feedback MUSICALLY, not how they don't foshizzle this dizzle on the nizzle on stage.
3) Do tests. Say, pick a harmony from certain notes with underlying chords. Ask them what a tri-tone would be, or compoud rhythm... oh wait.. the judges don't even know what they are, HAHAH.

Sorry for the rant, but I really hate this crap.

*Whale calves may suckle up to 13 years on their mothers lactation*

Hooroo all!

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