Thursday, May 28, 2009

# 28 - Inside insanity

I think i'm half-insane.
Then again, aren't we all?
But myself especially. I think I got an extra dose of the crazyness.
For example, while finishing off my massive essay earlier this week, I hadn't had much sleep the 4 previous nights (about 3 hours maybe?), so by this time, I was extremely overtired and had way too many energy drinks. I started losing my shit man. For some ridiculous reason, I put undies on my head. I must put a skidmark joke in here somewhere. But seriously, I don't know why. I just thought it was a good idea at the time. Luckily it didn't mess up my streaked hair (har har har... ok, that was poor).

Lets just kick things off straight away, because I'm obviously not funny at the moment. Maybe some humour will come to mee as i'm typing away.

Thought #1 - Product and personal ad kill.
I'm going to kill the actual product, NOT the ad this time.
Dun Dun Dunnnn!

Isn't that just cute???

I swear, all these pet products that are coming out are just stupid. I highly doubt that the cat is going to learn what words are.
And how stereotypical! A cat learning what a 'mouse' is. I swear, people don't give cats a chance to be vegetarian. What happens if I cat only likes tofu and wants to befriend mice? People are so judgemental.
Speaking of this stuff, if cats like mice so much, why isn't there 'mice flavoured' or even mice in cat food?

Oh. Moi. Gawd.

Now isn't this something that EVERYONE wants to have. Their own colonoscopy set! I love how there's some vaso there too, and that there's a picture of a man smiling. Like, seriously, I'm not sure if you'd be smiling too much if you had this thing shoved up your ring.
"Self examinations have never been so easy!"
"As seen on tv!"
"Don't put your rectal health off any longer!"
... do I seriously need to crack any jokes? This speaks for itself.

Its a special SWINE FLU mask.

I don't really need to comment. It just goes to show that things go up in price with a hype. I hate shit like this. There is 9 bucks difference.
And since does masks cost FORTY THREE FREAKIN DOLLARS???!??!?
Like seriously. I can show you an awesome way of making a mask!

Step 1: Get a napkin/serviette.
Happy Napkin.

Step 2: Poke eye holes
A holy happy napkin.

Step 3: get an elastic band or a piece of cord/string and put around head and napkin like so:
Alternatively, you could probably use paper, toilet paper or other cheap and easy materials. I think this cost me a whole 3 cents. 20 can be done for under a buck. I'm awesome. You can also be emo and have a fringe with your napkin mask!
I hate the world... and 3 ply tissues.

You can choose to make it colourful and colour it in more and make fairly ones and even draw happy paintings on them such as daffodils, but I didn't have the time (nor the sanity).
Though, I had an interesting thought:
Isn't 'Swine Flu" just the past tense of "pigs fly"?

I is cleverest.

You know, I reckon i'll end it there, i'm getting a bit tired. Sorry for the short post. (The napkin thing took some effort.

*Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy*

Hooroo all!


Tarik said...

It seems like your mask is designed to DIP when you DIP. epic win :)

madmooemily said...

hmmm the terrible thing is i dont think cats even eat mice...they just like to play/torture them...hense a cat is evil.
awesome blog :)

Andy said...

you forgot to mention that your mask is recyclable!

Jake Strangiato said...

That mask is filled with win.

FromTheGroundUp said...

Your mask is very Silent Hill Nurse

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