Saturday, June 6, 2009

# 29 - I need a break.

I swear, as soon as my final two uni assessments are done, i'm going to just relax my mind and just friggin music, exercise and get pissed.
Just make my braincells relax, and become more firm, because uni has turned them into mush.
Let me spell it out for you:
You have about 1 or 2 assessments a week. They aren't that easy either. Then when it gets to the massive 50% ones at the end of the semester, you have the same amount of time to do them as the smaller ones during. And they say "you should have started them earlier." HOW DO YOU START THEM EARLIER WHEN YOU ARE GIVING US OTHER ASSESSMENTS IN BETWEEN!!!
Good grief.

Thought #1 - How cheap are companies getting?

Like seriously.
I found this article in the paper saying that most of Mars chocolate bars have decreased by 11%, but are still being sold at the same price.
"Consumer preferred".
What consumer would prefer about a 6 gram difference in chocolate? Where the HELL do they get this information?
Its bullshit statistics deigned to fuck with mass societies head in order to create more revenue for the companies.
Its surprising how lessening the bar by 11% will do for a company. Consider this:
You now need to buy 11 bars for what you could've gotten for 10.

But its not just that.
I was at maccas with a mate the other week, and he got the chicken deluxe burger. This is how its supposed to look:

Fresh and crispy

And this is what he got:

A dish you wouldn't be proud of making.

Like seriously, what's up with that tomato? Its about the size of a five cent piece. What tomato is that small, and WHY would they put it in there? And why is there such a small amount of lettuce? Like seriously, as if lettuce is a costly thing.
(Yeah, i've already ripped on them before, but who cares)

But the bottom line:
We'll still buy this stuff for convenience. Why? Cause we're a lazy culture.

Thought #2 -The lack of intelligence some people have stiff dumbfound me.

First things first.
I'm sick of this twilight fad.
I had this conversation with a mate as we lined up to catch a movie not too long ago, and i saw a poster still up for twilight, even though it has been released and is on DVD.
And I said to my mate "I wish twilight and the albino dude would die a horrible death."
To which a small young girl infront of me replied
"Edward can't die because he's a vampire, and Twilight is awesome!"
In a tone that you'd get if you said "Yes, you look fat" to a woman.
Oh. Moi. Gawd.
Also, this dude is the definition of pale and every teen girl seems to dig him:
Paleness goodness.

Which, to me, is one step away from this:

Ginger Kids

Soon, all the girls will be going wild for Ginger!

I mean, an entry from a website I often look at even shows how far this show is getting:

"Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy of her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML"

I actually feel for this bloke.

Another is this stupid quiz thing that's going around on facebook.
"What does your hair colour mean?"
"What do your eyes say?"
"What type of Gay are you?"
"What Astro Boy character are you?"


Christ, its like some people seek attention that hard, that they spam up your facebook with all these quizzes, then invite you to do some.
No joke, I got about 21 invites in the course of one day from just ONE person.
WTF is up with that?
Also, people can now make their own quizzes like "how well do you know me?"
I've got a better experiment that i'm going to do:
Change my birthday to the wrong day. Just two days earlier. If people TRULY know me, then they'll wait until my actual birthday. If they don't, they'll just look at the calender and send my "Happy birthday!" messages and try and seem like a good friend, when really, they should know.
It'll be the best Fail-age in history.
... if only I was THAT big of an ass.

*To "testify" was based on men in the Roman court swearing to a statement made by swearing on their testicles*

Hooroo all!


Jake Strangiato said...

Whenever I see anything involving Twilight, I fly into a rage. It's like when a bull sees red, dammit.

Andy said...

lololol twilight rage. before at uni when they were selling posters, i saw this chick walking in oncoming traffic where she stops with a squeal while she looks at a board, then when i walk past the board i see a poster of our favourite vampire on it LOL

I'm glad that girls have raised their standard to fictional character with unrealistic attributes. XD *sarcasm*

and break from uni? sure do. just one more week bro, oooone more...

yes i'm getting pretty sad face from stingy food outlets making crappy burgers which are overpriced. =(

madmooemily said...

leave edward alone!
*Stabs evan with knife*
I'm kidding, I'm more of a zombie fan. long as he is dead. something terribly wrong there...
oh well
*goes back to eating crayons*

Music. Sport. Friends. Family. Life.