Friday, April 10, 2009

# 24 - Bits and Pieces and DIP!

Sorry for the lack of posts but I've been stupidly busy with Uni.
You know, I really hate uni at times like this. Stupid two major assessments in one week. Last year it was 8 within 3 weeks. Like, seriously, WTF dudes (and dudettes which are kinda like dudes anyway), you're in the same faculty!
Sorry, for whinging, I just had to get that out.

Thought #1 - Are we getting stupider as a race?

Just been thinking, as people in general, are we getting more and more stupid? Even if science is making more and more discoveries per day, I think the general public is getting dumber.
Take GPS Navigators for example.
Before, we had to look it up on a Map, remember the way to go, and then head off on our merry way. Now we just type it into a magical little box and bob's your uncle, and we follow directions like "Turn Right" and we still get lost.
I mean, are we seriously getting that lazy and stupid?
I still prefer the old-fashioned way.

... Probably because I can't afford a Navman.

Thought #2 - Childrens shows in your memories.

My first one:
Johnson and friends
I loved this show as a kid. I loved Diesel, and if I remember correctly, he had an Aussie accent too. All he usually did was go Brrrrrruuuuummmm!!!!!.
Legendary show. I remember always watching this after Bananass in Pyjamass.

Now wasn't Gumby awesome? Always waddling around with Pokey the weird looking Pony (who always smiled). Legendary show. I remember I used to have green long pj's that I used to hide my hands and feet in to pretend I was Gumby. He was THAT cool.

Round the Twist
Ahh, our first taste at the Supernatural as a kid. This was an epic show, no matter how often they used to change the characters on it. It was only very slightly comedic, but we still watched it anyway, because we hadn't seen anything like it before. I still remember the theme song:
"Have you ever, ever felt like this?"

She look familiar?
She used to be one pretty late in the arvo, getting close to about 5 or 5:30 if I remember.
Its Alex Mack!
The awesome chick who could turn into water. I think she was my first celebrity crush. I liked her in year 4.
I'm unreal!
Seriously, this show was rad, until they kept running repeats.

The Trap Door
Man that line is awesome. It just stays in your head. Just like the song.
"DON'T YOU OPEN THAT TRAP DOOR! Cause there's something down there! Dun Dun, Dun Dun!"
Wicked show. Did you ever come close to wetting yourself every time he opened the trap door? I did. Probably because I was a sook back in the day.

The Amazing Adrenalini Bros.
This show wasn't on for long, but when it was, it was GOLD!
I still remember a particular episode there that little one was catapulted around the world, then he was caught in the net and then sprung back around the world again.
Absolute L.O.L.2theMAX.
Loved this show.

Now this was awesome. The Ferals. The rat, bunny, cat and the dopey dog, and of course, the angry Toad Boss dude named Kerry and his sidekick Rodney the Roach. I always watched this show. This was quality TV. And why do all of these older Tv shows have the best musical intros?
"There's Rattus the rat and Madigliana the cat
They discovered fame and fortune and they're never going back
And Darryn the dog and whatabout Mixy?
blah balh blah blah FERAL TV!!!"
Oh yeaah! That's the shit!

I hope i've given you all a blast from the past... how awesome was TV back then! I'll do more later.

*The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds*

Hooroo all!


madmooemily said...

i keep forgetting you grew up with the same tv shows as me. holy crap....i remember that nightmare i had about the trap door one...
i use to watch that show when i felt like 'facing my fears'
that one with the pink elephant...i've already forgotten its name since i read it..thats how gone i am lol.
i still have it on video! and i have gumby too! gumby never use to scare me. but it does now! have u listened to the music in the background? CREEPY
i remember all these shows....but i must admit i was more of a disney girl.

Jake Strangiato said...

In America, I remember we had Gumby and The Amazing Adrenalini Bros., but none of the other shows, at least none that I remember. Good times.

Andy said...


she was so awesome. I was so sad when the series ended.

Sabrina the teenage witch was super cool toooooo! it was funniiiies! I loved the cat! cat was awesome.

Tarik said...


Music. Sport. Friends. Family. Life.